Our Commitment to Sustainable Design
Sustainable design is more than just an effort to protect the natural environment – it’s also a way to sustain the well-being of the community and to sustain the financial assets of our clients. By utilizing design practices that integrate natural daylight and focus on indoor air quality, we are designing for a future that is healthier for building occupants and more cost efficient over time for building owners.
Other design strategies that benefit the environment & the owner’s budget include:
- Water retention and re-use systems
- Sustainable storm water management through bioswales, etc.
- Specification of High-Efficiency fixtures & equipment
- Utilization of locally-available, highly-renewable building materials
- Climate-specific building orientation
- Mature Vegetation Preservation
- Geo-thermal systems & other renewables
- Integration of sunscreen systems at glazing areas

In the design of Cypress Creek Fire Station No. 23, JOINER achieved a thermally sealed and energy efficient building through the application of a cutting-edge polyicynene insulation system – resulting in minimum R30 and R40 insulation values in the walls & roof, respectively.